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Mayors' Council Letter to the Leader of the Conservative Party

Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation

NOV 2019

In recent letters sent to Prime Minister Trudeau and other party leaders, the Mayors’ Council has asked for a federal commitment in the Speech from the Throne to formalize a permanent transit fund, create an electric bus fleet conversion fund, and complete the final phase of the 10-Year Vision. ”The federal government has helped this region transform its transit planning over the past four years,” said Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart. “We want this new government to build on its track record of partnership and leadership by committing to work with us to quickly turn the next wave of regional transit plans and priorities into on-the-ground services that benefit the region, as well as the environment and the economy.” The Mayors’ Council plans to continue its Cure Congestion campaign, which engaged thousands of local voters and secured the support of a variety of stakeholders in industry, academia and the non-profit sector in the lead up to the 2019 federal election. Outreach to federal officials will include meetings with all elected MPs in Metro Vancouver, and party leaders in Ottawa. This is the letter sent to Andrew Scheer, Leader of the Conservative Party.

Mayors' Council Letter to the Leader of the Conservative Party
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